The Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP is a comprehensive plan for a significant area of downtown/East Vancouver. It goes before City Council this week, where Council seems likely to pass it despite significant opposition.
March 12, 2014
The Downtown Eastside Local Area Plan or DTES LAP is a comprehensive plan for a significant area of downtown/East Vancouver. It goes before City Council this week, where Council seems likely to pass it despite significant opposition.
June 27, 2011
The video below, produced by Slow Home Studio in Calgary, Alberta, is a short, brilliant, unrehearsed lecture by renowned architect, architectural critic and historian Kenneth Frampton on the history of the detached house in our era.
November 28, 2010
This small residential hotel in downtown Vancouver was stubbornly saved from demolition by its amazing owner, the quietly determined George Riste. George resisted numerous attempts by BC Hydro to buy his building, continually asserting the rights of his tenants to remain exactly where they were.
October 1, 2010
Pierre Trudeau (white suit) entering Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth Theatre, UN-Habitat Conference on Human Settlements, 1976. Courtesy CBC. All rights reserved.
Happy World Habitat Day! I bet you didn’t know that the UN has declared October 1 World Habitat Day.