BC Liberals

“Christy Clark just wants your love”

February 27, 2013

“Christy Clark just wants your love”

It might be hard to fully appreciate the brilliance of this performance unless you’re familiar with the vocal mannerisms of British Columbia’s Premier Christy Clark. But this mimicry is easily as good as Tiny Fey doing Sarah Palin.

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Cartoonist Dan Murphy’s spoof of proposed BC pipeline

July 9, 2012

Cartoonist Dan Murphy’s spoof of proposed BC pipeline

By cartoonist Dan Murphy of the Vancouver Province newspaper (which pulled it after he posted it). Hilarious.

“Jobs”… or not. This oil pipeline proposal is the worst deal ever for B.C., with all the benefit going to China and corporations.

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“We are all Canucks” until we riot, apparently. Then it’s the work of a “handful.”

June 16, 2011

“We are all Canucks” until we riot, apparently. Then it’s the work of a “handful.”

“Hockey’s over-the-top fandom (and the same could be said for the Olympics) seems a frantic expression of what the post-modern metropolis and its high-rise ghettos lack and even deliberately negate — a human-scale community in which individuals feel purposeful and acknowledged.”

“In the absence of any shared collective progressive principles, the BC elite longed for a new solidarity forged from of this “fighting collectivity” of Canucks fans.

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William Gibson, Douglas Coupland and other Vancouverites speak out

October 12, 2009

William Gibson, Douglas Coupland and other Vancouverites speak out

Vancouver writer William Gibson with BC artist Ron Terada’s “Big Star.” Photo: Candace Meyer, all rights reserved.

A number of Vancouver’s most high-profile cultural figures have spoken out recently about the British Columbia government’s recent assault on arts and culture.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised


September 5, 2009


After a disastrous week for the arts in British Columbia, this is all I’ve got, a photo of a ruined barn and some statistics.Read this entertaining set of facts about arts and arts workers, what they contribute to the economy, and some serious public misconceptions about the role of the arts.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised