

July 29, 2009


2thewalls is the closest thing on the internet to the much-missed and now cult-status Nest: Quarterly of Interiors. Finding 2thewalls is a bit like falling down the rabbit hole, and not just because reading it feels like deciphering text printed on a zebra crossing.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Fia Backstrom – living in your art studio

April 4, 2009

Fia Backstrom – living in your art studio

I love this art object/piece of furniture by artist Fia Backstrom, who has had a number of exhibitions in Vancouver. From the NYT article “Artful Lodgers“:

Fia Backstrom describes her apartment near the Gowanus Canal as a perpetual battle between organization and chaos.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Ray Eames’ workspace vs. Charles Eames’ workspace

January 15, 2009

Ray Eames’ workspace vs. Charles Eames’ workspace

There’s something compelling about Ray Eames’ desk area, papered with work and photographs. Many people seem to have a fierce aversion to clutter these days (driven no doubt by the storage furniture industry) but artists like to have materials and visual stimulation at hand in their studios and there’s some evidence that this supports the creative process.

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