New York

Berlin’s skyrocketing housing costs and hipster proliferation

September 18, 2012

Berlin’s skyrocketing housing costs and hipster proliferation

The above video by a Berliner complains about Berlin’s influx of hipsters, addressing them directly in its conclusion:

“Please stop to face your neighbourhood… it matters if you try to live in Neukölln or whether you just live your imported party here.

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Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges on Charlie Rose

October 26, 2011

Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges on Charlie Rose

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks with Asma Mahfouz, the girl who began the Tahrir Square revolution in Egypt, in Zucotti Park yesterday. Photo by Democracy Now

Renegade brokers and police joining the demonstrators today, photo by Canadian filmmaker Velcrow Ripper (more here).

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Stumbling upon NY Fashion Week by accident

September 12, 2011

Stumbling upon NY Fashion Week by accident

I was there by accident. These people were not.

Apparently it’s “anything goes” in fashion right now, but that’s been true for a while. Anyway, it’s never really “anything goes” – there are always those weird, arbitrarily-imposed rules.

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Once Upon A School – Dave Eggers and his Pirate Supply Store/Tutoring Centre

January 24, 2010

Once Upon A School – Dave Eggers and his Pirate Supply Store/Tutoring Centre

Most people have probably seen this video, but it’s worth watching again. Dave Eggers won the 2008 TED Prize for his education and literacy work with kids, and in this entertaining acceptance speech he provides a brief history of his project.

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Paola Antonelli treats design as art

June 4, 2009

I can forgive Paola Antonelli for liking Karim Rashid because I love her. She’s the design curator at the MoMA in NYC and she has this amazing knack for animating our built and designed environment in an entertaining and charming way while also lightly inserting some very serious remarks about its history and politics.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

More Paul Rudolph houses – exteriors and interiors

May 26, 2009

More Paul Rudolph houses – exteriors and interiors

More houses by Paul Rudolph. I’m not sure why I like him so much; maybe it’s the feeling that every space is designed for a party, or the use of white, or that he went so glam/space age in the 60s and 70s.

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