
Fur lifejacket, for fabulous shipwrecks

January 18, 2016

Fur lifejacket, for fabulous shipwrecks

I made this fur lifejacket partly in homage to Meret Oppenheim, one of the founders of surrealism and most famous for her “Object in Fur,” a fur teacup and spoon. Oppenheim is yet another woman artist who did not receive the credit or status she was due.

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More colonial craft

June 25, 2015

More colonial craft

Once you start seeing something, it’s suddenly everywhere  (and it doesn’t help that people keep sending me examples). After noticing that we seem culturally obsessed with our colonial settlement of this city/province/country/continent right now, and that this pioneer DIY craft style has spread as far afield as Brisbane and Berlin, based on what people have written me, I feel compelled to keep collecting it.

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Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges on Charlie Rose

October 26, 2011

Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges on Charlie Rose

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now speaks with Asma Mahfouz, the girl who began the Tahrir Square revolution in Egypt, in Zucotti Park yesterday. Photo by Democracy Now

Renegade brokers and police joining the demonstrators today, photo by Canadian filmmaker Velcrow Ripper (more here).

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