“This is why we love the Tudor period so much, because it’s the age of discovery, and there’s a sense that anything was possible.”
October 20, 2015
“This is why we love the Tudor period so much, because it’s the age of discovery, and there’s a sense that anything was possible.”
August 2, 2012
“Planned obsolescence isn’t just about deceiving the consumer, it also threatens the planet through a constant stream of toxic waste… Posterity will never forgive us.”
July 23, 2012
Pod at Sweetwater 905 Festival 2012.
Karl Mattson, an artist and filmmaker from the town of Rolla in Northern B.C., produced this “escape pod” artwork last year.
March 5, 2012
Watch the whole thing. This is a Canada so different from the Canada from the one we’re in now, the Canada that now sits in a deep, dark, chilly trough dug by our illegitimate prime minister, Stephen Harper.
August 9, 2010
While on the topic of buildings that don’t always function the way we want them to, I was reminded of the quite hilarious 2008 documentary Koolhaas Houselife, in which a housekeeper talks about the difficulties of cleaning one of Koolhaas’ houses.
June 16, 2009
These stills were shot during the filming of Coast Modern, a documentary film about West Coast modern house architecture, spanning from LA to Vancouver, by Vancouver filmmakers Gavin Froome and Mike Bernard.
February 27, 2009
Wish Werner Herzog would come by the studio and narrate our work in that soft, brutal, matter-of-fact German tone. Instead I just re-read the imaginary Herzog diary, below, to wallow in Herzog postmortemese.
September 18, 2008
Backstage at Givenchy, from Christopher Anderson’s documentary about NY fashion week 2008. Via simply olive and Loveology.