
Typography over at the Russian People’s Home

April 28, 2009

Typography over at the Russian People’s Home

The Russian Hall, formerly the Russian People’s Home, consistently produces typography so clear, so straightforward, so capitalized it is a manifesto in itself, design or political. This what happens when you try to produce design degree zero: the more you eschew style, the more you achieve it.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Reference Library is much less academic than it sounds

March 10, 2009

Reference Library is much less academic than it sounds

The founder of referencelibrary says his blog was born out of his eBay disappointments, as a sort of consolation catalogue of all the things he didn’t win. The photos tagged “Items I Didn’t Win” are so beautiful you can almost feel his disappointment.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Wish Werner Herzog would come by the studio

February 27, 2009

Wish Werner Herzog would come by the studio

Wish Werner Herzog would come by the studio and narrate our work in that soft, brutal, matter-of-fact German tone. Instead I just re-read the imaginary Herzog diary, below, to wallow in Herzog postmortemese.

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I have no clue why they dance so madly.

February 1, 2009

I have no clue why they dance so madly.

From the YouTube description:

Germany 1970. The German moderator discuss in the beginning how boring and lame the official looks are and that the fashion and color designers came up with the following outfits to make the game more interesting and colorful.

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