Ha ha. Sadly, this Craigslist ad was quickly taken down, but not before lots of us took screenshots and copied the text (a friend uploaded it to her Facebook).
April 6, 2015
Ha ha. Sadly, this Craigslist ad was quickly taken down, but not before lots of us took screenshots and copied the text (a friend uploaded it to her Facebook).
April 29, 2014
Giant U.S. oil/energy mega-corp Kinder Morgan has applied to triple the size of a pipeline across British Columbia, bringing dirty bitumen-laced oil from the Alberta Tar Sands. “Public” hearings to assess the application have been notoriously non-public.
October 28, 2013
Fantastically small tax on fantastically huge banking profits would yield fantastically large public revenue for supporting the poor. This is a campaign from 2010. What happened to this discussion?
April 18, 2013
Went to a bar tonight that used to be great, a neighbourhood bar in the old Arts Club Theatre. What happened? 14 sports TV screens happened, a contempo remodel, and all the clientele that comes with that stuff.
February 27, 2013
It might be hard to fully appreciate the brilliance of this performance unless you’re familiar with the vocal mannerisms of British Columbia’s Premier Christy Clark. But this mimicry is easily as good as Tiny Fey doing Sarah Palin.
February 16, 2013
The 2005 UK miniseries “Nathan Barley” features an ensemble cast of top British comedians and actors and satirizes what seems to be a thinly disguised Vice magazine or equivalent (here it’s “SugarApe,” sometimes written SugaRape) and hipsters in general.
July 9, 2012
By cartoonist Dan Murphy of the Vancouver Province newspaper (which pulled it after he posted it). Hilarious.
“Jobs”… or not. This oil pipeline proposal is the worst deal ever for B.C., with all the benefit going to China and corporations.
March 18, 2012
Words and music by John Roby, a good friend of my Uncle Patrick. Video recorded and edited by Scott Stephenson. Lovely song in its own right, and a bit reminiscent of Randy Newman and Tom Lehrer.