Photo © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2011 // Livet Hemma
IKEA boxes, some with interiors painted, assembled via art clips. Very clever. Via doorsixteen (and the rest of her post contains good material too).
April 2, 2011
Photo © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2011 // Livet Hemma
IKEA boxes, some with interiors painted, assembled via art clips. Very clever. Via doorsixteen (and the rest of her post contains good material too).
January 17, 2009
Yet another 60s DIY project from The Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement, Greystone Press, 1970. While the bookshelf directly above is cringe-worthy (almost in the “so bad it’s good” category, but not quite), it could be very mod if it were updated and re-made properly with more attractive materials.
These staggered, airy midcentury modern arrangements are so much less chichi than the many fancified contemporary bookshelves you see around.
I love this simple, balanced living room belonging to Italian architect Egle Amaldi in the 1960s.
October 27, 2008
e15‘s leaning book rack “Mate” is quite well-known (photo at bottom), but their shelf/cupboard units Kast Drie and Kast Een are equally nice.