
Dave Bidini eviscerates Bryan Adams in print for jamming with Canada’s über-right-wing prime minister

June 10, 2010

Dave Bidini eviscerates Bryan Adams in print for jamming with Canada’s über-right-wing prime minister

The decor at Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s residence in Ottawa is almost as bad as the very fact of this distasteful event, which – can this really have happened?

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Canada and Australia chill glasses, 1966

June 2, 2010

Canada and Australia chill glasses, 1966

I just found this thing in a box; it originally came from my grandfather’s house. It’s the Ikon Quick-Frost Glass Chiller and Sterilizer. It has competing “Made in Canada” and “Australian Made” labels (the Australian one is the round sticker inside the plastic unit, with the red boomerang; while the can reads Made in Canada).

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“I’m afraid your novel is unsuitable for us at the present time.”

April 21, 2010

From Black Books, Irish comedian Dylan Moran’s British TV series. Moran played Bernard Black, misanthropic second-hand bookshop owner. See also another episode in which Bernard, unable to figure out his tax forms, learns that he will receive an extension for filing his return only in the event of injury, so seeks injury by provoking skinheads.

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Categories: humour, Uncategorised, video


April 12, 2010


While at art school in Halifax, Nova Scotia, my American friends Paul and Eugene and I lived in a rented seaside house in a nearby fishing village. The day we moved in to our house in Shad Bay we found a framed map of our cove, and it showed a little island across the water from us marked ‘Treasure Island.’ For the next year we tried to get hold of a boat to get over there.

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Werner Herzog – There is no harmony in the universe

March 28, 2010

“Taking a close look at what is around us, there is some sort of a harmony. It is the harmony of overwhelming and collective murder. And we in comparison to the articulate vileness and baseness and obscenity of all this jungle, we in comparison to that enormous articulation, we only sound and look like badly pronounced and half-finished sentences out of a stupid suburban novel, a cheap novel.

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