I was parking in a tiny parking spot today and suddenly noticed these stripes at side view mirror-height on the pillar I was squeezing next to. Multiple scrapes in different colours, on a paint job masking previous scrapes.
June 8, 2016
May 18, 2016
We know that the Saudi regime is a serious human rights abuser, so why is Canada selling it armoured vehicles, the very ones used to intimidate its populace? At times like this I wish we had TV interviewers in Canada with as much mettle as Jon Snow backing David Cameron into a corner on why the UK supported Saudi Arabia’s bid to be on the UN’s Human Rights Council .
As a white person in Canada, especially one writing about a topic that intersects with Indigenous issues, I have found Métis writer Chelsea Vowel’s blog âpihtawikosisân invaluable. Vowel is a legal researcher who somehow explains complex issues with total clarity without ever being anything less than gripping or undercutting her politics.
April 24, 2016
April 11, 2016
Here’s yet another condo development framed as a modern repeat of Canada’s 19th C colonial pioneer era. It’s called “Venue” and it’s in Whalley, a small town centre within Surrey, a large, racially mixed Vancouver suburb mostly known for farming.
April 4, 2016
Baghdad, 2002
I was sent the following email and article in 2002, about 9 months before the Iraq War. I’m posting it here because I’ve noticed that in the current 2016 US election campaign so many people seem to have forgotten the kind of plentiful information we were seeing circulated well before the war.
March 20, 2016
February 14, 2016
January 23, 2016