hippie houses

Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design

April 22, 2012

Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design

I have been looking forward to the publication of Richard Olsen’s book Handmade Houses: A Century of Earth-Friendly Home Design, and it has now been released by Rizzoli.

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Lloyd Kahn on Tiny Houses – lecture in Vancouver

April 19, 2012

Lloyd Kahn on Tiny Houses – lecture in Vancouver

Lloyd Kahn, Editor in Chief and founder of Shelter Publications, is a North American authority on the handmade house. Visit Shelter for a full list of his book titles on this topic.

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“If I Had a Hammer? What Do You Mean If?”

April 19, 2010

“If I Had a Hammer? What Do You Mean If?”

Before I start, I’m asking on behalf of the owners of this house that nobody reposts or reproduces any of these images anywhere without my permission. Like a lot of people who have built their own houses in the woods, the owners, who are relatives of mine, appreciate their privacy and feel a bit negative about seeing their house all over the internet.

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Handbuilt houses of the Pacific coast

February 10, 2009

Handbuilt houses of the Pacific coast

Sometimes after seeing too many chichi, precious, and citified houses, too much shiny, overproduced design, and everything just starts to look too estranged from the materials it was made from, as an antidote I go look at pictures of handbuilt houses.

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