urban planning

Stadiums do not bring economic benefits to cities – study

February 2, 2013

Stadiums do not bring economic benefits to cities – study

The following CBC article confirms what we’ve always known: sports stadiums simply do not deliver on their extravagant economic promises. Just as with casinos, the millionaire proponents of stadiums always claim that these big arenas will make a city rich.

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Radiant City – entertaining critique of the suburbs of Calgary and beyond

August 18, 2012

Radiant City – entertaining critique of the suburbs of Calgary and beyond

Radiant City is an entertaining 2006 Canadian film written and directed by Calgary filmmaker Gary Burns  (Kitchen Party, Suburbanator, Way Downtown) and Jim Brown. The  film focus on the Moss family, who introduce us to the brand new suburb they have recently settled in.

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On Rize (Or Forcing A Luxury Highrise On A Neighbourhood That Really Doesn’t Want It)

April 5, 2012

On Rize (Or Forcing A Luxury Highrise On A Neighbourhood That Really Doesn’t Want It)

UPDATE: This disastrous, precedent-setting development was passed by our City Council, dominated by supposedly “green” Vision Vancouver, in a 9-1 vote.  It was not sent back to design; only vague requests to the developer to make it smaller and less ugly were uttered.

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Vancouver urban planning fights: freeways 1967; mega-casinos 1994 & 2011

March 29, 2011

Vancouver urban planning fights: freeways 1967; mega-casinos 1994 & 2011

In 1967 a group of citizens waged a fractious and clever fight against a massive freeway system that would have flattened much of  Vancouver’s downtown core and surrounding heritage districts. The fight was led by Vancouver citizens Shirley and Mary Chan, Mike Harcourt  (later mayor and then premier of the province) and many other volunteers.

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World Habitat Day 2010

October 1, 2010

World Habitat Day 2010

Pierre Trudeau (white suit) entering Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth Theatre, UN-Habitat Conference on Human Settlements, 1976. Courtesy CBC. All rights reserved.

Happy World Habitat Day! I bet you didn’t know that the UN has declared October 1 World Habitat Day.

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