Everyone always leaves.
The Unhappy Hipsters blog features Dwell Magazine photos with the captions they were crying out for. Because it’s lonely in the modern world.
January 27, 2010
Everyone always leaves.
The Unhappy Hipsters blog features Dwell Magazine photos with the captions they were crying out for. Because it’s lonely in the modern world.
January 24, 2010
Most people have probably seen this video, but it’s worth watching again. Dave Eggers won the 2008 TED Prize for his education and literacy work with kids, and in this entertaining acceptance speech he provides a brief history of his project.
Not a rhetorical question. This is a hodgepodge sample, for sure, and spans decades, but all of it seems to partake of some form or other of adventurousness.
December 21, 2009
Add a ladle every night
To every ladle, add a light
101 Nights is an art installation by Vancouver writer and broadcaster Bill Richardson, and it ended tonight on the winter solstice.
December 16, 2009
The word “ouno” is Japanese, which is partly why I chose it (that, and the fact that it’s an ambigram – see upcoming post). Before I ruined the Google Image search for “ouno” by clogging it with my own photos, these two images showed up, both from Japan.
December 6, 2009
A man with a dry sense of humour and great stationery. Via swissmiss and thanks to blprnt for finding it.
November 8, 2009
This chapel in Tarnów, Poland, is by Marta Rowińska & Lech Rowiński of the firm Beton (photos by Beton) and was completed in 2009. Being a completely non-religious non-churchgoer who really dislikes all the tortured religious iconography and narrative (and could do without the cross), I don’t know why I’m so attracted to all these humble churches (see also here and here) but I think it’s a relief to see a building whose utility is somewhat non-utilitarian and undefinable.
October 26, 2009
Karikomi – Japanese abstract topiary – from the ever-interesting ii-ne-kore blog out of Australia by way of Japan. “ii ne kore is a shorthand version of kore wa ii desu ne, an expression of appreciation or delight in japanese.” That is how I feel when I look at these.
October 3, 2009
This house, as any Vancouverite knows, is what is known as a Vancouver Special. It’s a type of generic builder’s house, built mostly between about 1965 and 1985, that is entirely specific to this city.
August 26, 2009
This is by far one of my favourite houses in Vancouver. It’s in the municipality of West Vancouver, home to many of the best modern houses in the city, and it belongs to the novelist Douglas Coupland.