

August 14, 2009


The blog YOU HAVE BEEN HERE SOMETIME does, as its title suggests, provoke an uncanny sensation. It’s halfway between a feeling of deja vu and a renewed sense of the mysterious life of objects.

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July 29, 2009


2thewalls is the closest thing on the internet to the much-missed and now cult-status Nest: Quarterly of Interiors. Finding 2thewalls is a bit like falling down the rabbit hole, and not just because reading it feels like deciphering text printed on a zebra crossing.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Diet Cookbook, 1974, plus nudity

July 7, 2009

Diet Cookbook, 1974, plus nudity

This 1974 book cover has everything including mod 3D typeface, superimposed naked women in psychedelic colours, and an author named bureau of consumer research in lower case.

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Whatever happened to the “Beatles ashram” in Rishikesh?

July 2, 2009

Whatever happened to the “Beatles ashram” in Rishikesh?

UPDATE: This Guardian article on the 1972 visit of Led Zeppelin to India contains a reference to the supposed restoration of this ashram. Anyone heard anything else? Please leave links/information in the comments.

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Painted houses

June 10, 2009

Painted houses

Modernist Vancouver house of the painter BC Binning, who painted his own interior and exterior murals. Photo by Arne Haraldsson. See here for more information on this heritage-protected house.

In my neighbourhood there’s a heritage program called True Colours wherein you can receive a pat on the back from heritage types and sometimes free paint if you agree to paint your house in the original house colours circa 1901.

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Paola Antonelli treats design as art

June 4, 2009

I can forgive Paola Antonelli for liking Karim Rashid because I love her. She’s the design curator at the MoMA in NYC and she has this amazing knack for animating our built and designed environment in an entertaining and charming way while also lightly inserting some very serious remarks about its history and politics.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Lost City Arts

May 29, 2009

Lost City Arts

I found Lost City Arts by accident when searching for works by Harry Bertoia. Like this shop, Lost City has eccentric art and furniture pieces that are substantially more eye-catching or compelling than market-produced objects mainly because most of their art furniture was, in fact, made by sculptors.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Smith House by Arthur Erickson

May 22, 2009

Smith House by Arthur Erickson

One last Vancouver house by Arthur Erickson. The house was built for and is still owned by the painterGordon Smith and his partner Marion. They have carefully maintained it over the years, in keeping with Erickson’s original design and intention.

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Categories: design, Uncategorised

Goodbye, Arthur Erickson

May 20, 2009

Goodbye, Arthur Erickson

Goodbye to Arthur Erickson, a native of Vancouver and one of its most famous inhabitants, let alone architects. He died in Vancouver today at age 84.

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