Lloyd Kahn, Editor in Chief and founder of Shelter Publications, is a North American authority on the handmade house. Visit Shelter for a full list of his book titles on this topic.
April 19, 2012
Lloyd Kahn, Editor in Chief and founder of Shelter Publications, is a North American authority on the handmade house. Visit Shelter for a full list of his book titles on this topic.
March 28, 2012
Perhaps my favourite digital art piece, Ben Rubin’s San José Semaphore. Photo by Peter Elst.
From Ben Rubin’s Vimeo:
“San José Semaphore, by artist Ben Rubin, is a permanent public artwork commissioned by Adobe Systems Incorporated in collaboration with the City of San Jose’s Office of Cultural Affair’s Public Art Program.
January 29, 2012
This is a bit divorced from design—apologies. But I believe design touches every other sphere in a human Venn diagram, if there were such a thing. (See the About section in the sidebar.) I attended the Jaipur Literature Festival this past week, and for reasons that have to do with Rushdie and also have nothing to do with Rushdie, it was one of those events that subsequently affects everything you do or make.
January 11, 2012
December 29, 2011
“Xmas greadings,” via Michael Turner’s site websit. It’s Vancouver Art Gallery librarian Cheryl Siegel’s annual Xmas tree.
November 30, 2011
A mystery sculptor (all that’s known is that she is female) has been leaving these sculptures made from book pages in libraries and museums across Edinburgh. When the sculptures numbered ten she stopped, leaving this inscription in a guestbook: “In support of Libraries, Books, Words and Ideas… a tiny gesture in support of the special places.” As a mysterious public art piece it has fascinated many in Edinburgh.
July 15, 2011
I grew up with this psychedelic rocking camel, handmade in the late 60s/early 70s by B.C. artist/novelist Jim Willer. He called these “Bumpity Camels” and ours was one of a series—our cousins had one too.
June 27, 2011
The video below, produced by Slow Home Studio in Calgary, Alberta, is a short, brilliant, unrehearsed lecture by renowned architect, architectural critic and historian Kenneth Frampton on the history of the detached house in our era.
March 13, 2011
Another love letter to books and the reading of them. See also here and here. Above, church converted into bookstore, Maastrict, Netherlands, via BoingBoing. Below, NPR on Werner Herzog on books:
“Herzog… hands out a required-and-recommended reading list — a broad one, covering matter from the Roman poet Virgil to Ernest Hemingway to the Warren Report — about which he’s quite serious.
January 24, 2011