
The Harper Song (Steve It’s Time to Leave) by John Roby

March 18, 2012

The Harper Song (Steve It’s Time to Leave) by John Roby

Words and music by John Roby, a good friend of my Uncle Patrick. Video recorded and edited by Scott Stephenson. Lovely song in its own right, and a bit reminiscent of Randy Newman and Tom Lehrer.

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Leonard Cohen in the documentary “Ladies and Gentlemen.. Mr Leonard Cohen”

March 5, 2012

Leonard Cohen in the documentary “Ladies and Gentlemen.. Mr Leonard Cohen”

Watch the whole thing. This is a Canada so different from the Canada from the one we’re in now, the Canada that now sits in a deep, dark, chilly trough dug by our illegitimate prime minister, Stephen Harper.

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I should explain that there is no question of The Queen dismissing the Canadian Prime Minister or dissolving Parliament as you suggest

March 3, 2012

I should explain that there is no question of The Queen dismissing the Canadian Prime Minister or dissolving Parliament as you suggest

This is a letter from the Queen’s office, written in response to a letter from Montrealer Chantal Dupuis who had written the Queen asking her to use her powers to remove our clearly lunatic prime minister.

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Jim Green (RIP) & Vancouver men – comic PSA against Gendered Violence

February 29, 2012

I love you, Vancouver. Environmentalist David Suzuki, University Chair Andrew Petter, Activist Jim Green and other Vancouver luminaries in a funny & also really touching PSA.

RIP Jim Green, defender of the poor, a Vancouver icon, one of the greats.

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Never ending…. Tasty chatting

February 21, 2012

Never ending…. Tasty chatting

That pretty much sums up much of my recent trip to India. Never ending tasty chatting.

Gajali or gajalee (also the name of a famous fish restaurant further up the Maharashtra coast in Mumbai) means  “an informal gathering” in the Malvani & Konkani languages.

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